Saturday, September 13, 2008

Look Caroline, More Pictures!!

Better late than never is become my personal motto with this blog....that said here's the link to pictures pf the Thomas family from August.

And not to be outdone by getting the Agust pictures up on the interwebs a mere 14 days late, here's July!!
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Monday, September 8, 2008

New England, Baby!

We may live in Nashville, but I'm trying to instill a healthy love of her father's region in Katherine. So far she seems to be taking to it like a natural. Here you can see her with her "Cape Cod" t-shirt that Emmie and Gee-Pop bought her which she demands to wear to bed....

And here you can see her really displaying that New England pride by wearing her Red Sox shirt and her pants on her head. That's her father's girl.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Caroline is Smiling

After what seems like an eternity the blog is finally being updated again...this time its something pretty special. Little Caroline, who's 11 weeks on Tuesday smiled at the webcam for the first time. If you skip to around the :55 second mark you can see where her father really started to try to get her to smile...sorry there's no sound

Her sister then walked in an after "seeing baby Caroline on the computer" decided she wanted to see Katherine on the computer. Its an interesting case study in how much more a two year old moves around....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy July

Whew, its been busy lately, so there hasn't been as much time to post anything. As you can see, its not just parents who have been busy. Katherine's been busy too. Here she is on her way out...

There's more of Katherine and Caroline here

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Two sisters

The other day Katherine held her baby sister for the first time -- and it was all absolutely adorable....

You can see her mom in the first shot ready to grab Caroline at a moments notice...Katherine knew what she was doing though -- she's very good with baby "Caro-wine"

Its Raining!

Katherine discovered that its fun to run through the sprinkler on hot days....Although she does call is "rain!"

She also discovered its much more fun when dad gets wet too!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caroline's First Bath

Caroline had her first bath yesterday. Her parents felt a bit neglectful since by now her sister had probably had 10 baths, but with the second you seem to realize that not everything you thought was very important is actually necessary to ensure their continued health and well being. That and her cord just fell off....

As you can see, she tolerated it like a champ. I'm sure she'll be very excited to see this picture in abut 30 years at her wedding (hpefully!!). Her father is certainly already excied to bring it out....

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